LCW Title IX Compliance Training Program

The 2024 Title IX regulations impose obligations related not just to sexual harassment but to all sex-based discrimination. LCW offers policies, procedures, training and forms to ensure your institution is compliant with the Title IX regulations and overlapping laws.

Our experience in advising educational institutions with Title IX matters includes the following:

  • Policies and Procedures: We assist in drafting and updating anti-harassment and discrimination policies and grievance procedures.
  • Compliance Audits: We conduct audits of policies and procedures to ensure compliance with state and federal law. We also provide legal counsel to Title IX Coordinators and decision makers with regard to legal issues during the grievance process.
  • Forms: We prepare forms for effective compliance.
  • Investigations: We assist clients in investigations of alleged Title IX violations.
  • OCR: We provide advice and counsel to educational institutions responding to the Department of Education, Office of Civil Rights and other administrative agencies’ investigations.
  • Litigation: We are statewide experts in the defense of actions brought by students and employees alleging sexual harassment and discrimination, and have a robust writ practice.
  • Training: As a leading provider of client education, we regularly provide anti-harassment and Title IX training for individual institutions through our customized training program as well as through group webinars and seminars.

Title IX Training Compliance

LCW can help educational institutions meet their title IX training requirements which are as follows:

  • All employees must receive training at the time of hire or change of position that alters their Title IX duties and annually thereafter regarding:
    • The institution’s obligation to address sex-based discrimination;
    • The scope of conduct that constitutes sex-based discrimination, including the definition of sex-based harassment; and
    • Employee reporting requirements
  • The Title IX team (Title IX coordinators, investigators, decision-makers, informal resolution facilitators, and those ) and individuals who are either responsible for implementing the institution’s grievance procedures, or who have authority to modify or terminate supportive measures must be trained annually on various topics pertaining to their specific Title IX responsibilities at the Institution.

Effective Compliance with the New Title IX Regulations and Overlapping California Law: LCW is offering a four hour training to California Institutions that provides an overview of the requirements of the new Title IX regulations and overlapping state law. This training will provide an analysis of the significant changes in the Title IX regulations including:

  • The expansion of protections against sex based harassment and sex discrimination
  • Notice to the institution requiring a response
  • Who may file a complaint
  • Broader jurisdiction
  • Duties and protections owed to pregnant students
  • Procedures before the Investigation
  • Supportive Measures
  • Grievance procedures for sex-based discrimination and student sexual harassment
  • Appeals
  • Prohibited retaliation
  • Records preservation obligations

We will also discuss compliance with overlapping California law including the Fair Employment and Housing Act, and Education Code section 66281.8.

LCW also offers customized training to meet your needs in person or via webinar.

If you are interested in scheduling training, please contact Anna Sanzone-Ortiz at asanzone-ortiz@lcwlegal.com or at 310.981.2051.

Title IX Compliance Forms for Community College Districts

LCW has created forms to assist Title IX teams at community colleges with the implementation of the revised regulations. These forms pair with the Community College League of California’s  Policy and Procedure Subscription Service that the League provides in partnership with LCW.

The Title IX forms are also compliant with overlapping California requirements and include the following:

  • Notices & Intakes of Complaints
  • Notices of Supportive Measures and Appeal
  • Notice of rights regarding student pregnancy or related conditions
  • Investigations
  • Dismissals and Appeals
  • Hearings
  • Determinations, Remedies, and Discipline
  • Informal Resolutions

Consortium member price: $1,500

Non-Consortium member price: $2,000

To purchase these forms, please visit our Webinar Event here.