Assembly Bill 358 – Exempts Community College Districts Student Housing From California Department Of General Services Construction Supervision

CATEGORY: Public Education Matters
CLIENT TYPE: Public Education
DATE: Dec 06, 2023

The Field Act requires the California Department of General Services to supervise the design and construction or any school district and community college “school building” and the reconstruction or alteration of, or addition to a school district and community college “school building,” if the estimated costs exceed a certain amount.  The California Department of General Services is responsible for ensuring that the plans and specifications comply with the rules and regulations and with relevant building standards, and that the construction work has been performed in accordance with the approved plans and specifications.  Existing law excludes any building that serves or is intended to serve as residential housing for school district and community college district teachers, employees, and their families from the definition of “school building.”

AB 358 amends Education Code Section 81050.5 and Government Code Section 4454.5 to exclude any building used as a residence for students attending a campus of a community college district from the definition of “school building.”  Thus, any buildings used as resident housing for community college district students will be exempt from California Department of General Services’ supervision under the Field Act.

(AB 358 amends Section 81050.5 of the Education Code, and amends Section 4454.5 of the Government Code.)

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