Assembly Bill 472 – Amends Existing Law Explicitly Authorizing A Governing Board To Grant Voluntary Leaves Of Absence And Requires Employee Compensation When An Employee Is Placed On An Involuntary Leave Of Absence

CATEGORY: Public Education Matters
CLIENT TYPE: Public Education
DATE: Dec 06, 2023

Existing law allows the governing board of a school district and a community college district to grant classified employees leaves of absence with or without pay.

AB 472 amends existing law by explicitly stating in Education Code Sections 45190 and 88190 that a governing board may grant voluntary leaves of absence and vacations, with or without pay.

The bill also revises the provisions related to certain criminal charges for which district may impose a compulsory leave of absence or suspension without pay.  The bill provides that a classified employee placed on an involuntary leave of absence while criminal charges, a criminal investigation, or an administrative matter is pending, is entitled to receive full compensation for the period of involuntary leave if the matter is resolved in the employees favor.  This provision applies to both merit and non-merit districts.

(AB 472 amends Sections 45190 and 88190 of the Education Code.)

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