LCW Best Practices Timeline – March 2020

CATEGORY: Private Education Matters
CLIENT TYPE: Private Education
DATE: Mar 04, 2020

Each month, LCW presents a monthly timeline of best practices for private and independent schools.  The timeline runs from the fall semester through the end of summer break.  LCW encourages schools to use the timeline as a guideline throughout the school year.


â-¡ Review and revise/update annual employment contracts.

â-¡ Conduct audits of current and vacant positions to determine whether positions are correctly designated as exempt/non-exempt under federal and state laws.


â-¡ Issue enrollment/tuition agreements for the following school year.

â-¡ Review field trip forms and agreements for any spring/summer field trips.

â-¡ Tax documents must be filed if School conducts raffles:

Schools must require winners of prizes to complete a Form W-9 for all prizes $600 and above.  The School must also complete Form W-2G and provide it to the recipient at the event.  The School should provide the recipient of the prize copies B, C, and 2 of Form W-2G; the School retains the rest of the copies.  The School must then submit Copy A of Form W2-G and Form 1096 to the IRS by February 28th of the year after the raffle prize is awarded.


â-¡ The budget for the next school year should be approved by the Board.

â-¡ Issue contracts to existing staff for the next school year.

â-¡ Issue letters to current staff who the School is not inviting to come back the following year.

â-¡ Assess vacancies in relation to enrollment.

â-¡ Post job announcements and conduct recruiting

Resumes should be carefully screened to ensure that the applicant has the necessary core skills and criminal, background and credit checks should be done, along with multiple reference checks.

â-¡ Consider whether summer program will be offered and if so, identify the nature of the program and anticipated staffing and other requirements; advise staff of summer program and opportunity to apply to work in the summer and that hiring decisions will be made after final enrollment numbers are determined at the end of May.

â-¡ Distribute information on a summer program to parents and set an end date for registration by end of April.