Senate Bill 328 –Amends The Political Reform Act Contribution Limits And Authorizes The Governing Board Of A School District Or Community College District To Limit Campaign Contributions Or Expenditures In District Office Elections Until January 1, 2025

CATEGORY: Public Education Matters
CLIENT TYPE: Public Education
DATE: Dec 06, 2023

SB 328 amends provisions of the Political Reform Act and Education Code.  Pursuant to the Political Reform Act, limits total contributions by one individual to a candidate for elective state, county, and city office.  This bill amends existing law to apply the contribution limits to candidate for elective school districts, community college districts, and special districts beginning January 1, 2025.

The bill also amends existing law permitting the governing board of a school district, community college district, and special district to limit, by resolution, campaign expenditures, or contributions to district office.  The bill provides that the provisions in the Education Code permitting these limitations are repealed by December 31, 2024.

The bill further provides that the contribution limitation of this bill apply to candidates of a school district, community college district, and other special district elections.  The campaign contributions under this bill only apply to contributions made by individuals and do not apply to small contributor committees or political party committees.

(SB 328 amends and repeals Sections 35177 and 72029 of the Education Code, Section 10544 of the Elections Code, and to amend, repeal, and add Sections 85301, 85305, 85306, 85307, 85315, 85316, 85317, 85318, and 85702.5 of the Government Code.)

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