Senate Bill 808 – Requires The California State University Prepare An Annual Report For The Legislature On Investigations And Outcomes Of Formal Sexual Harassment Complaints, And Make The Report Available On Its Website

CATEGORY: Public Education Matters
CLIENT TYPE: Public Education
DATE: Dec 06, 2023

Senate Bill 808 establishes a new reporting requirement for the California State University.  The bill requires that the California State University prepare and submit a report related to formal sexual harassment complaints to the Legislator on or before December 1 of each year.

The bill requires the California State University report on investigations and outcomes of formal complaints of sexual harassment.  The bill provides a list of the specific items the California State University must report on, includes, but is not limited to:

  • The number of sexual harassment reports filed disaggregated by each individual campus and the chancellor’s office.
  • The number of formal sexual harassment complaints filed with the campus-based or systemwide Title IX coordinator disaggregated by each individual campus and the chancellor’s office, whether or not an investigation was conducted. Formal sexual harassment complaints shall include all formal sexual harassment complaints submitted to a Title IX office regardless of whether or not an official investigation has begun.
  • The length of time taken from the beginning of an investigation to the completion of a final investigative report disaggregated by each individual campus.
  • The number of hearings conducted for formal sexual harassment complaints and the outcomes of those hearings disaggregated by each individual campus and the chancellor’s office.
  • The number of appeals requested by the complainant or respondent disaggregated by each individual campus and the chancellor’s office; and the outcomes of the appeals.

(SB 808 adds Section 66282 to the Education Code.)

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